Functional Fitness Using

Emom workouts

fitness to fit your goals

EMOM Everyday

EMOM Workouts designed to make you sweat in a timely fashion. Workouts are built for health, utilizing functional fitness.

EMOM Cycles

Programming designed around a single strength movement. The six week long cycles contain a mix of EMOMs, AMRAPS, and timed WOD's.

EMOM Power

EMOM Power is engineered with the principle of construction by deconstruction. Programmed around popular CrossFit WODs.

what is a EMOM?

  • Every Minute On the Minute
  • Each workout will contain a amount of work to be done in a specific amount of time.
  • Programmed correctly the workout will have a “Work – Rest – Repeat” ratio.
  • Perfect workouts for measuring progress from week to week.